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Advanced Running Project Virtual Race Series

April 13, 2020 3 min read

13 April, 2020

Advanced Running Project's Virtual Race Series

If you haven't met Brandon Hough and Advanced Running Project (ARP), you are missing out on some awesome local events and the opportunity to network and stay motivated.

Brandon first came to our store a couple of years ago and in true running form was sweaty, bearded, and looked like he just 'felt like running' (shoutout to Forrest Gump). The smile on his face and the passion in his voice as he speaks about running are truly magnetic. You can hear the joy he gets sharing his experiences of running and he is captivated like a child as someone shares their story. Whether it is a 5k or a 100 miler, hes hooked and wants to share in your ups and downs.

Without going further into his background, (you can check his website out here) I'll start talking about what he is doing right now!

Virtual Race Series

During this very unique time where races have all been cancelled, ARP wants to find a way to encourage runners and walkers to get out and challenge themselves while adhering to guidelines on not grouping together.

For those who have been training and were eyeing a spring slate of races, ARP wants to make sure you've still got something to train for. ARP opened a FREE three race virtual series to keep you racing this spring. These races can and SHOULD be done alone. Challenge yourself, find an isolated road, track, or trail and just go for it! There's no entry fee, no crowds, no medals, this is just you and the clock.  

At the time of writing this, one of the events has already finished, but since it is virtual you can still do it on your own time, you just might miss some of the giveaways. The dates and giveaways are as follows.
Stay Away 5K - April 3-5, 2020
Social Distancing 10K - April 17-19, 2020
Flattening the Curve 19K - May 1-3, 2020

For each race; participants will have a three day window to submit their times to RunSignUp (click the link above). Afterwards ARP will choose 8 finishers at random for giveaways to include...

2 lucky runners will receive a free entry into any Advanced Running Project race in 2020..

2 finishers will receive a pair of American Flag Crocs

2 finishers will receive an ARP trucker or running hat of their choice

2 finishers will receive a box of Clif Bars

At the end of the series ARP will choose one male and one female finisher to win a free entry into the entire 2020 Miami Valley Race Series (a $130+ value!).

Prize winners will need to pickup their prizes after the event when things slow down. ARP will make numerous opportunities available to pick up the items. More to come on that as the situation unfolds.

A discount code for our store will also be provided in the ARP newsletter for race participants.

Maybe you trained all winter and want to see what you can do solo? Maybe you want to take your mind off all the stress from what's going on? Or maybe you just want to race because you can! There's a lot of reasons to race, find your own and lace up because #racingisntcancelled!

— Brandon Hough